Michael Hastings Crash Investigation Still Not Complete

Nearly a year after Michael Hastings died in a Hancock Park car crash so explosive it set off widespread conspiracy chatter, the investigation into his death is still not complete.

However, the LAPD detective in charge of the case maintains there was nothing sinister about the crash that killed the investigative reporter on June 18, 2013 and she is simply awaiting reports to officially close the investigation. 

“I am still waiting on some reports that have taken awhile," said an annoyed-sounding LAPD Det. Connie White, who has maintained - almost since the morning of the crash - that Hastings' death was accidental and not the fiery result of a "black ops" plot to silence the investigative reporter. Hastings was said to be working on a expose of CIA Director John O. Brennan at the time of the crash and told friends he was going off the radar for awhile.

Hastings was best known as the reporter of a Rolling Stone Magazine profile of General Stanley McChrystal in which the then-general and his staff mocked President Obama and Vice President Biden. Largely because of the article, McChrystal was fired.  

In more current light, Hastings filed the first extensive report on recently-freed POW Bowe Bergdahl back in June, 2012 that includes, among its roughly 10,000 words, the line "He decided to walk away". Here's that article. http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/americas-last-prisoner-of-war-20120607 

According to Det. White, because it is not a criminal investigation - and  crashes that are criminal investigations get higher priority - Hastings' report is often lowered in the priority rankings as new criminal cases are so frequently assigned to LAPD traffic detectives.

White says Hastings was speeding, lost control and hit a large palm tree on Highland Avenue.  Det. White said  "In the fight between car and tree, tree wins." 

Michael Hastings

Michael Hastings

Oct. 2013, Krikorian Writes' final report on Hastings crash


A video tape, copied off of a  security camera by someone's cell phone, is seen here  


This is the first story I wrote on the crash, it was for Who What Why website.


Cleamon "Big Evil" Johnson Charged With Three More Murders

Cleamon "Big Evil" Johnson, whose guilty conviction for a 1991 double homicide was overturned by the California Supreme Court in 2011 and who is scheduled to be retried for those crimes later this year, has been charged with three additional single murders. 

Johnson, 46, who was convicted - with another man - of the two killings in 1997 and served more than 13 years on San Quentin's death row before winning the appeal, casually told a visitor at the Men's Central Jail that three more murders were being added to his upcoming trial. A preliminary hearing* is set for July 28.

One of his lawyers, Victor Salerno, confirmed the additional charges, but declined further comment. 

The Los Angeles District Attorney's Office alleges Georgia Denise "Nece" Jones, Albert Sutton and Tyrone Mosley were all killed or ordered killed by Johnson, a member of the 89 Family Bloods.  While Johnson was in Ironwood State Prison, Nece Jones was shot and killed June 12, 1994 at 87th Place and Wadsworth Avenue in the 89 Family neighborhood. Sutton was also killed in that neighborhood. Mosley was shot and killed in September 15, 1991 on 97th Street and McKinley Avenue, a 97 East Coast Crip neighborhood.

"It's just more bullshit to keep me locked up, keep a trial going," said Johnson who is back in the regular high power section of the jail, after nearly a year in a special segregated cell.  "They think when if I get out, I'm going to go on so,me rampage. And the police tell people that.  I am not the same person I was when I went in here. Man, I just want to be free."

Johnson and co-defendant Michael "Fat Rat" Allen were convicted in 1997 of the August 5, 1991  killings of Donald Ray Loggins and Payton Beroit at a car wash on 88th Street and Central Avenue. Prosecutors contended that Johnson ordered Allen to kill the two men who were from the "other side" (east) of Central Avenue.  

In a 1998 Los Angeles Times Magazine article, Johnson, then 30  - and considerably different in attitude and character - seemed unconcerned that he was headed for death row. "I'm not worried at all about going to San Quentin," he said. "I been in worse places."

Such as?

"In an alley, with a .45 pointed at me. Too many times. But I'm a survivor. I just turned 30. I never thought I'd make it to 20. After I got the death penalty, I celebrated in jail with some homemade brew. I know I'm gonna be around at least 10 more years with all the appeals."

That article ended with a memorable quote by Big Evil; "Getting the death penalty saved my life."

It did. 

If these charges don't result in conviction, Johnson's new kicker might be "Getting those extra murder charges saved my life."


1998 L.A. Times Article -  http://krikorianwrites.com/blog/2014/6/8/1998-la-times-magazine-article-big-evils-ride-to-death-row

1997 L.A. Times Article -  http://krikorianwrites.com/blog/2014/6/8/1997-la-times-article-big-evils-reign-appears-over-for-good

* A preliminary hearing is described as a "trial before the trial" at which the judge decides, not whether the defendant is "guilty" or "not guilty," but whether there is enough evidence to force the defendant to stand trial -from www.criminal.findlaw.com

Old photo of Johnson

Old photo of Johnson

Suspected "Serial Stabber" Arrested In Watts

A "serial stabber", suspected - but not charged - in at least two killings - and three non-fatal knife attacks in Watts this year, was arrested over the weekend in Nickerson Gardens.

Among the possible victims, according to street sources,  is said to be Samuel Lee Benton, Jr., known here as the "I'm Blessed Man", who was stabbed to death February 14 across the street from the Nickersons.

Early Saturday morning, an Asian man, about 30 years-old, was fatally stabbed on Imperial Highway near the gates of the projects and across the street from Hawkins House of Burgers. The man was described by Watts residents as a "homeless and harmless."   

The arrested man, who went by the moniker "OB", is fairly well-known in Nickerson Gardens and, according to several residents, seemed to have "lost it" about five years ago. He, too,  is about 30 years old, they said. 

"He was born in the projects, raised in the projects and went mad in the projects," said a Watts man who knows the suspect's family and spoke on the condition of anonymity. 

A family member of Samuel  Benton, who also did not want to be identified, said he was glad to hear of the arrest.

"Even if they don't convict him of Sam's murder, then I hope they get him on one of the other ones."  


Here is the original story on the death of the "I'm Blessed Man"


Here's a report on the funeral of the "I'm Blessed Man"


Sam Benton. the "I'm Blessed Man" may have been a victim of a serial stabber

Suspected Serial Stabber Arressted in Nickerson Gardens

A "serial stabber", suspected in at least two killings and three non-fatal knife attacks in Watts this year, was arrested over the weekend in Nickerson Gardens.

Among the victims is said to be Samuel Lee Benton, Jr., known here as the "I'm Blessed Man", who was stabbed to death February 14 across the street from the Nickersons.

Early Saturday morning, an Asian man, about 30 years-old, was fatally stabbed on Imperial Highway near the gates of the projects and across the street from Hawkins House of Burgers. The man was described by Watts residents as a "homeless, Asian smoker", (Around here, a "smoker" is a crack smoker.)    

The arrested man, who went by the moniker "OB", is fairly well-known in Nickerson Gardens and, according to several residents, seemed to have "lost it" about five years ago. He, too,  is about 30 years old, they said. 

"He was born in the projects, raised in the projects and went mad in the projects," said a Watts man who knows the suspect's family and spoke on the condition of anonymity. 

A family member of Samuel  Benton, who also did not want to be identified, said he was glad to hear of the arrest.

"Even if they don't convict him of Sam's murder, then I hope they get him on one of the other ones."  


Here is the original story on the death of the "I'm Blessed Man"


Here's a report on the funeral of the "I'm Blessed Man"


Samuel Benton, the "I'm Blessed Man"   A suspect in his stabbing death was arrested over the weekend

Samuel Benton, the "I'm Blessed Man"   A suspect in his stabbing death was arrested over the weekend

"Nut" From Main Street Gunned Down Monday Morning

"Nut", a member of the Main Street Crips who was shot and killed Monday morning shortly after 9 a.m., was praised by local residents with so many glowing superlatives I had to stop twice and ask "We still talking about Nut here, right?"

Nut's name was Tijuan Folks, and he was 29. I didn't know Nut, but half dozen people praised him as a friend and neighbor. What will come out later from the authorities point of view, who knows. LAPD detectives on scene when I arrived didn't have anything to say, though one confirmed Folks was from Main Street.

The photo below is Folks trying to look hard, a friend said, But, he was, according to several other friends, "a good, All-American family man, who was positive. Humble. Generous. Would give his last to a neighbor or friend. Prolly even to a stranger."

Folks was struck as he either sat or stood near a burgundy sedan this morning. The shooting death heightened fears the ongoing street war between the Main Street Crips and Hoover Street Criminals would intensify. (See links below) In March, shootings connected to the two large gangs left at least two dead and several wounded. Douglas Wooley, 28 was shot a block away from where Nut died today.  Near 82nd and Hoover Street, three hours after Wooley died, Christopher Wayne Richardson, 22, was shot. He died of his wounds two weeks later.

Back on 98th Street, a woman who has lived on the block for 24 years was stunned by Nut's death.

"I am scared to let my kids play outside," said Vera Brooks, who agreed that when outsiders hear of "98th and Main Street" they assume there are killing here weekly. "The thing is, this is the first killing on my block that I know about, at least, in 24 years."

Her daughter, Shera Hill, stood and stared at the burgundy car were her friend died. "Nut was a good guy. Very polite, Never bother anyone. And always, always stylish. If he had on a turquoise shirt, he'd have on turquoise pants.  If he had on blue shirt, he'd have on blue shoes.  Yeah, Nut was put together."




Nut from Main Street

lridngto victim was anEarthling.


you woulld have thought his road to sainthood is all but assured. 

Li'l Scooby from Rollin 60s Shot and Killed; 2 More Killed Nearby

UPDATE : Friday night around 8 p.m. two black males were shot to death while sitting in a car near Florence Avenue and Cimarron Street. Appears NOT to be related to the story below. 

March, 28, 2014 - A long-time member of the Rollin 60s Crips was shot and killed Thursday afternoon in Hyde Park.  Damon Leroy Jones, 37, whose street name was Li'l Scooby, was shot multiple times and was pronounced dead after being transported to California Hospital. 

Li'l Scooby, one of 28 Rollin 60s singled out by the City Attorney's office in a 2003 injunction against the Hyde Park-based gang. was wheelchair-bound, the result of being wounded nearly 10 years ago.  That wheelchair didn't stop his thug life. His chair was often equipped with an AK47, a Rollin 60 source said. 

Another street source indicated Scooby's death may have been part of a long-standing internal conflict among the Rollin 60s, one of the largest streets gangs in California

"One of the homies put him in that wheelchair and one of the homies put him in the grave.", said the man from Hyde Park.

Jones’ first arrest was for vandalism on March, 15, 1990 at the age of 14. In 1994, as an adult, he was convicted of robbery with a gun.  In 2002, he was  convicted for being gang member in possession of a gun.

In a 2003 report on the "Rolling 60s", then-LAPD gang officer Jeffrey Martin stated that he rarely saw Jones “in the ‘hood because he was in and out of county jail and prison" so often. 

Also in the report, Officer Martin described an interview where Jones “stated  that there were only a few like him out in the streets that are ‘pushing the line’ and demanding that the gang be run the right way.”

Thursday on 11th Avenue, someone apparently thought Li'l Scooby had gone the wrong way. 

li'l Scooby

Son, 27, Arrested in Stabbing Death of Mother, 55, in Sylmar

March 26, 2014  - A 27-year-old man has been arrested for the murder of his 55-year-old mother who was stabbed to death Tuesday afternoon at her home in Sylmar. 

The son, Freddy Sanchez, was covered with blood when he was taken into custody by police officers from the LAPD' s Mission Division. His mother, Matilda  Sanchez, was found lying dead on her living room floor with multiple stab wounds. Nearby, police said they found a "large bloody butcher knife."

""It's especially tragic to deal with a scene where someone kills one's parent," said Lt. Paul Vernon. commanding officer of the Mission Detective Division who added that police officers have responded to the home recently after reports of the son kicking doors and starting fires.

Freddy Sanchez, who had shared joint custody of his 8-year-old daughter, was booked for California Penal Code 187 (murder) and is being held on $1 million bail


Eight Trey Hoover Dies 2 Weeks After Being Shot

A 22-year-old Los Angeles man from Eight Trey Hoovers who was shot two weeks ago on 82nd Street near Hoover Street has died..  

The victim, Christopher Wayne Richardson, was standing with friends on March 6 at 1 p.m. in the 800 block of West. 82nd Street when attackers drove up in a silver sedan and opened fire. The victim dashed away, but at the assailants continued shooting, striking Richardson, aka Tiny Trey Soulja  He was transported to California Hospital in critical condition, but finally succumbed to his injuries yesterday, Wednesday, March 19.

"Christopher loved life and he loved helping people." said Kevin "Twin" Orange, a highly-respected gang intervention worker who hired Richardson for a summer job at Algin Sutton Recreation Center. "He was someone who made sure other people had food and other things before he did. That's probably what happened to him. He told everyone to run that day and he was the last one to take off and he got the bullet. " 

The shooting is believed to be part of the conflict between the Main Street Crips and the Hoover Street Criminals. Only hours before Richardson was shot on Hoover Street, Douglas Henry Wooley, 27, was killed at 97th and Main Street.  Wooley was not a member of the Main Street Crips, but family members are. 

An intense LAPD patrol presence, combined with near-around-the-clock detective work aided by gang interventionists has so far quelled further payback shootings. The community and police are hoping the death of Robinson will not spark renewed violence. 

garffiti 83 74

Road Rage Suspected in 210 Freeway Shooting Death of Man, 35

A man apparently coming home from work Friday morning was shot to death on the 210 Freeway in Sylmar in what is being called an tragic incident of "road rage".

Sergio Sanchez, 35, was driving westbound on the 210 when he was shot at least twice from the driver's side of his Mitsubishi sending him over an embankment then onto the Roxford Street off-ramp, the LAPD said.

"We believe the victim was on his way home after work when he was shot," said LAPD homicide detective Juan Santa." He had no gang ties and no criminal history."

Anyone with information on the shooting can call Det. Santa,  or Det. Gretchen Schultz  at (818) 838-9810